July 17

Hey Parents, Turn Your Kids Onto Josh Shipp


Hey Parents, Turn Your Kids Onto Josh Shipp

By Jason Moffatt

July 17, 2010

graduation rap song, hey josh, josh shipp, motivational teen speaker

Mammas don’t let your babies grow up to be little Mofo’s.

What I mean by that is… depending upon your level of conservatism there are a lot of things that I say or do that probably should not be aired in front of your kids. I’m not the ideal role model for a bunch of 17 year old Mormon boys about to embark on a spiritual mission.

On the other hand, I’d like to introduce you to a guy that you should introduce your kids to if you want them to embark on a solid, mature and responsible path to adulthood. His name is Josh Shipp.

Josh is a motivational speaker for teens and I just totally dig his stuff. I think a bunch of adults could do themselves some good to listen to him as well.

I can’t exactly remember how I came across his stuff. I think it may have been a Facebook message he sent me about this hip hop song he put together with a few buddies. The song is about graduating from school in the year 2010.

I’m super picky about the kind of hip hop music I like. I mean, really picky. It’s hard to earn my respect in the hip hop world as so much of it is over inflated hype, violent, fictional garbage and blatant lies. Josh takes another approach and blew my mind with this video…

Good stuff huh? I told ya.

Anyhow, I posted this blog because I’m sure there are many of you out there with 14 to 18 year old kids that are in need of some type of guidance. And lets face it, kids need as many good role models as they can find out there today. Especially with easy access to just about everything on the internet.

So today I thought I would introduce you to Josh Shipp and his amazing talent to inspire young kids to become great adults. I haven’t met him personally, but am confident he is one solid guy that is on a path to doing astonishing things for himself and others around him.

Here’s another clip of Josh from his website and a couple of links to follow him around the web. Enjoy…

Josh Shipp Blog
Hey Josh for kids
Hey Josh for adults
Josh Shipp on Twitter
Hey Josh on Facebook

About the author

Jason Moffatt

Jason Moffatt is a former private detective turned internet marketer who uses his skills of keen observation and deductive reasoning to pinpoint the easiest paths to success online. He’s passionate about helping entrepreneurs in the health & wellness field along with those in the personal development space. Jason believes we’re all a work in progress and that each day presents an opportunity to be a little be better than the last.

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  1. Jason, thank you for sharing this! I’ll be forwarding it to my younger cousins and I hope that they’ll watch it! They seem to listen to me a little more than they listen to their parents so hopefully it’ll work out 🙂

    I’d never heard of Josh before but will now be watching more of his stuff and spreading his word.


  2. Awesome video Jason! Thanks for sharing it. As a parent to not one but 3 teenagers I really appreciate all the help I can get. It’s easy for your own kids to tune you out sometimes but they WILL listen to others. Therefore, it’s important to me as a parent to help find some of those “others” that can help reinforce what I’m trying to teach them at home and in the long run help them to be stong, independent and caring adults who give back to society. That’s all that I can hope for. Thanks again my friend.

  3. Hey there Jason,

    Awesome share. I think we sometimes the importance to setting up a new generation with the emotional skills to get them though the good and the bad.
    Working at the sharp end with people who have hit rock bottom, I really hope that all parents and kids get to see this type of speaker. It’s little moments in life like this that can shape an amazing future for so many people.
    Already finding the rest of his stuff to share with my guys.

    Thanks mate!

    Dr G

  4. Jason,

    Thanks for sharing this Bro. Never heard of this guy before. Between his rapping and speaking, his talent is great. Seems to have drive and initiative too, so thankfully the whole world may be able to hear him! Sweet!


  5. I really for the most part I”m into classic rock, but I like the vid with the lyrics, very cool and great message for any age.
    I wish I was in austin with you sittin at lake travis sucking down a margarita 😎
    Keep up the posts my friend. good job.
    take care my friend.

  6. Josh is awesome Jason.

    Thanks for the intro. I needed something like this to show to my friend’s son that is having a hard time at 14 years old.

    Great stuff! Keep it coming…

  7. Josh Shipp sends teens to Aspen Education Group programs which have documented histories of ABUSE and a few deaths.

    Before promoting Josh Shipp, Aspen Education Group, WWASPS, or any religious facilities, please do your research. Teens have been screamed at, beated, raped in these places.

    If a place accepts your child sight unseen, that might be a problem.
    If a place does not allow a child to be in unmonitored, uncensored contact with their parent by phone and letter, that might be a problem.
    If a place does not allow a child privacy and a telephone in which to complain to a hotline about abuse or mistreatment, that might be a problem.

    Kids in these programs that Josh Shipp is advocating– and others that I’ve mentioned– have less human rights than kids in prison do.

    Kids in prison, for one thing, are given a private room in which to speak to a state rep if they believe they are being abused or mistreated.
    Kids in prison who claim they do not feel well must be seen by a doctor or nursing staff regardless of whether staff think they are faking or not.

    Kids have died in troubled teen industry facilities because staff did not believe that they were ill.

    These teens are our future. It is sad, heart-breaking, and infuriating that parents will send their kids to a facility sight unseen.

    Josh Shipp is not “cool,” and the programs that he sends kids to are dangerous.

    1. It’s impossible for me to believe that Josh would intentionally send any kid to a facility that he believes would mistreat them. Maybe he is not aware of this, and needs to be? It just doesn’t make any sense that someone who would devote a major part of their life to helping teens out would purposely do anything to sabotage their growth.

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